Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'LL give you some 'personal destruction' ...

On Time magazine's Web site, for Christ's sake:
You're going to see Obama increase those taxes on small businesses — whether he admits it today or not, he's going to. One thing reporters aren't asking the Administration is — it's such a simple question and people around here in the real world, outside of Washington, D.C., want reporters to ask — President Obama, how are you going to pay for this $1 [trillion] or $2 [trillion] or $3 trillion health-care plan? How are you going to pay off the stimulus package, those borrowed dollars? How are you going to pay for so many things that you are proposing and you are implementing? Americans deserve to know what the plan is to fund these things, health care included.

1. It's President Obama. I believe "Mr. Obama" is also permissible. Give him the respect you don't deserve, the respect he earned merely by keeping you the hell out of the White House. The thought of you in the White House still gives me chills, to the point that I don't even think they should let Alaskans go on the tour.
2. YOU? YOU are going to talk about what reporters aren't asking somebody? In the course of the same "interview," no less, where you are asked whether quitting your job will "catapult" you or, alternatively, is more of a self-sacrifice? Like it's got to be one of the two? YOU are going to tell us what Americans deserve to know, about answering "such simple questions"? You, who refused to even say what you read? The only time you've ever told the truth to the public was by accident.
3. I almost forgot the best part: Sarah Palin, implying she has the intelligence to know what Barack Obama will do -- and that he's lying about it. The arrogance. I can't even ...
4. I really think you should stick to Twitter. I keep going back and forth on this. I want to hear more, I don't want to hear more, I can't look away, I can't bear to look ... maybe if it were only on Twitter, the rantings of the psycho on the street, instead of in the guise of an interview, which suggests discourse. She has at least that much of a point: The same 'reporters' who are interviewing her would be doing a service to this country by trying to pin down the president on how 'he' plans to pay for the health care plan. Then they wouldn't be giving this freak a forum, and my country would be a better place.


Megan said...

You know, where is this "real world" she's always talking about? Who are these "real Americans"? I've always been confused on this point. Are you a figment of my imagination? Am I a figment of my own imagination? Do we disappear each time Sarah closes her eyes, shuts her ears, and chants "nyah nyah I'm the greatest ever" to herself?

troy said...

Well, that depends on where you live, Megan. As long as you don't live in a big city in the northeast, or certain parts of California, you're real.

Aren't you actually glad we live in a 'different America' than Sarah Palin's? Except one thing that's different about it is the taxes we pay in our state go to people in her state. Which of course isn't socialism.

troy said...

Oh, and for posterity: Healthcare reform has been scored revenue-positive by the CBO, and the stimulus was begun by the Republican president who preceded the current one. He authorized a $773 billion spending package -- for 2008. President Obama's stimulus package checks in at $711 billion -- between 2009 and 2017. Those figures do not include tax cuts; President Obama cut taxes to the tune of $425 billion, president Bush $1.812 TRILLION.